Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wedding Fever

There is so much Royal Wedding fever going on, it’s insane. On the one hand, I think it could be kind of un-patriotic for an American to go googly-eyed over the royal nuptials, what with us being founded on the concept of rejecting royalty. I get it, that’s all politically correct and whatnot.

But I also grew up in the Disney era, so let’s get real. Some middleclass student is getting swept off her feet by a real life Prince Charming. Well… maybe not charming. I don’t think he’s the best looking guy in the world. But whatever, he’s a prince. And Kate Middleton is admittedly gorgeous.

Being a frequent visitor to, I can appreciate the importance of the wedding. It’s actually pretty darn awesome. But that doesn’t mean I’ll be waking up at 5 in the morning, dragging my girlfriends out of bed and hosting a Royal Wedding Tea and Coffee Viewing Party.

I like the Kate Middleton fever, though. In the least, it’s exciting to know that I will witness (via TiVO) one of the most important weddings of the century. That’s pretty darn snazzy, if you ask me.

And in the spirit of wedding fever, I also love this blog post on Kappa Kappa Gamma’s website about common Kappa traditions during their nuptials. I love the idea of wearing my pin (wherever it is!) on the inside of my dress or on my bouquet. And I must say, I would burst out in tears if my girls started singing “Oh Pat” during my reception. But then again, it’s a ways off. Like, a decade.

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