Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A random collection of irrelevant thoughts...

I've been experimenting with a couple of different looks. I just scheduled a hair appointment on Tuesday and I'm literally going to walk into the salon (at 8 a.m. Woof.) and be a human canvas. I'm ready for a change. And a lighter load. My haircut rules:
  1. If you cut off more than 8 inches, let me know and I will donate it.
  2. It must be able to be put into a ponytail, headband, etc.--So I can get it out of my face.
  3. Layers are pretty!

There is apparently a mall a block from my work. This is problematic


Rebecca Black is annoying as hell. I don't get the hype. It's not funny; it's nails on a chalkboard.


English journalists are so different from American journalists. What happened to your three-tiered cake of reliable expert sources, ladies??


I need to get old-fashioned newspapers. It's the only way I feel motivated to read a whole story. I legitimately didn't know about the Japan earthquake until three days after it happened.


Etsy is amazing. But I wish I could click a button that would omit all things knitted or quintessentially Asian from my search results.


Why do Parisians think that macaroons have nothing to do with coconut? Wrong.


I am so hungry right now.


Given the Etsy comment, let me clarify: I don't dislike Asians. Just Hello Kitty.


I don't know what I would do without the Internet. On a somewhat related note, I need to get a Mac.


I'm wearing a Bumpit. And stripper heels. I think I'm on the wrong side of the Hudson River for this attire.


I'm newly obsessed with Amanda Seyfried and Ginnifer Goodwin. Ironically, both happen to be on Big Love, which is my current TV show obsession. You'd think having three moms would make their lives easier, but it doesn't. Probably because two of the moms are more like children themselves.


If I were to start a more focused-on-one-topic blog, I think I'd like it to be on photography stuff. You know, once I know what I'm talking about.


I need to update my Marian-isms.


I think I know the name of my magazine. But it's a surprise!!

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