Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today's Obsession: The Cravory

I'm so behind... But today was FAR better than the rest of this week. And I attribute that largely to the fact that my day got off to an awesome start. I went running this morning and then showered, got ready while watching an episode of "Big Love" and left the house with my breakfast of champions! My mom's been pushing for me to get peanut butter so I have some more protein. So I smeared a spoonful on my chocolate dutch cookies (which I always keep on hand) and walked out. My own delicious creation. Win!

I just love cookies. I can't help it. I'm not really a cake person (I like three: cheesecake, Red Velvet and German chocolate) and I joke that at my wedding people won't be eating cake. They'll be eating pie and cookies (noms). So today's obsession (besides using parentheses) is this company called The Cravory. My mama sends me cookies from them and they are amazing. There's currently ONE pack left that I'm saving for this silly boy who tasted them and became equally infatuated. One might argue he's only seeing me for my cookies... Nahhh.

The Cravory has a ton of awesome flavors. And they switch them up all the time. You can also make your own flavors for a little bit more. My current Cravory craving are the Mexican Hot Chocolate babies. Chocolate and spicy? Sign me up. The site tells you a little description, the ingredients annndd suggested pairings to fully appreciate the yummy Cravory goodness. I should note that I didn't initially realize how much they cost, but can assure you that they are worth every overpriced penny. And calorie. Obsessed.

Cravory Mexican Hot Chocolate cookies, $24 per dozen

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