Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Today's Obsession: Sea Turtles

In 2008, my parents and my brother and I took a vacation to Cancun at an all-inclusive resort. We watched the Olympics from our room and spent our free time hiking Mayan pyramids, biking, swimming in cenotes, drinking virgin strawberry daiquiris by the pool and doing AP Language summer assignments. Ah, the good ol' days...

That vacation was transformative for me, though. The resort we stayed at collected sea turtle eggs on the beach and protected them from predators until they hatch, which they did the week we were there. I got to see newborn sea turtle hatchlings, and that night we helped release them into the water (they release them at night because the dark helps them have an additional advantage).

Since then, I've been fascinated by sea turtles. They are simple and beautiful and are dying off at an alarmingly fast rate. One of my bucket list items this year was to go to Costa Rica, which probably won't happen for financial reasons. But I wanted to go there and spent a week or two volunteering at a turtle conservation program.

Today's obsession is this makeup palette from Chantecaille that is made from sea turtle shells. Just kidding. Not funny (but I'm still smirking). No, but Chantecaille is known for supporting marine wildlife, and 5% of the proceeds goes to the WIDECAST Organization, which helps save sea turtles in North, South and Central America and in the Caribbean. Pretty snazzy, no? Obsessed.

Chantecaille Sea Turtle Palette, $79

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