Friday, March 18, 2011

Today's Obsession: Greek Goodies

If I feel so inclined, I might have two obsession posts today... especially given that I didn't do one yesterday. Things just got a little hectic toward the end of day at work (I had to call every store in Manhattan on a rabid search for pom poms. It was ridiculous). But anyway, we shall see. Moving on.

...I think I'm obsessed with cookies. They're just so dam delicious. I think part of the appeal is that they are less messy and hand held. So I can go about my busy life and still eat them without the need for a plate or a fork. That may also be the reason why I love milkshakes, particularly Boloco Nutella milkshakes with a cookie blended in, but I digress.

Facebook's creepy side ads are typically catered to the individual. For example, since I played field hockey and am in a sorority, many of my ads revolve around similar themes. I refuse to believe that the single ads are catered to me, though.

So much digression... Today's obsession are these BakeGreek Greek letter cookie cutters. They continue to show up on my FB sidebar ads and I can't help but love them. Combining my love for my sorority with my love for cookies? And baking? TSM, yes, but delicious. The cutters come in one of three shades and are actually really affordable. I was thinking about getting Kappa and Gamma for Kappatastic sisters, but also thought it'd be fun to get a Rho, so I can make Rhos and Gammas for my fellow Rho Gammas (those are recruitment guides, for all you GDIs!). They like cookies too, right?

The only thing that would make all this even more fantastic would be if I made a Kappa apron. Summer project idea?? Obsessed (and now hungry).

BakeGreek Greek letter cookie cutters in Kappa, Gamma and Rho, $5 each

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