Monday, March 7, 2011

Today's Obsession: Kappa Kappa Gamma

Happy International Panhellenic Badge Day! In the spirit of NPC pride, I wore my amazingly wonderful Kappa badge to work today. And my pearls. The only problem is... when I got to work, the badge wasn't there. Somewhere between West 34th and 57th lies one of my most prized possessions. And I'm heartbroken. Yes, technically the thing is replaceable but it's both expensive and has a boatload of sentimental value.

Since I can't rep it on my clothes, I'll rep it on my blog. Today's obsession is my sorority pin (and by extension all sorority pins). I love mine especially because it has both pearls (my birthstone) and sapphires (my mom's birthstone). It's a little piece of metal that represents a whole lot more. I love my little pin with the retardedly messed up clasp, wherever it is. It's utterly Kappatastic. Obsessed.

Kappa Kappa Gamma Alternating Pearls and Sapphires Badge**, $PRICELESS

**There's no link or price because non-Kappas can't buy them anyway. But check out the Herff Jones Kappa store--which has lots of awesome jewelry and accessories--here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm's not like it had a name on it, either. :-(
