Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today's Obsession: Schwinn

I've been looking at apartments to sublet for summer 2 in BOSTON (!!!). And the most promising places I've found are on Mission Hill, which--as fellow Huskies know--means a commute. It's almost a mile to campus and while I enjoy a leisurely walk every now and again, I don't like having to walk, if that makes sense (it does).

So I've been brainstorming other methods of getting my sorry butt to campus. It's on my 2011 Bucket List (which I just realized isn't on this site--I'll get on that) to long board to class one day and I'm happy to do that, but long boarding isn't especially smart in various outfits... heels, dresses, skirts. No bueno. So instead I've been looking at bikes. And since it's so beautiful outside today, I've been focusing my attention on beach cruiser-esque bikes. I know with Boston's nasty winter weather, it doesn't make sense to splurge unnecessary amounts of money on impractical bikes, buuutttt my Daily Obsessions are seldom about practicality.

Thus, today's obsession is this bike. It's got all the functionality of a decent bike (which is important to me. I haven't had a bike of my own since I was 8) with various speeds, the rack on the back for all my books. But it's also prettttyy with it's ice blue color and white seat and super retro fenders... you know, all the necessities. All it needs are some super sexy pink streamers and a wicker basket and we're set. Just kidding... I know that the accessories would get stolen super fast on campus. Either way, I think this baby's a Schwinner ;) Obsessed.

Schwinn Network 7 Speed Bike Path Women's Bike, $210-$250

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